%0 Journal Article %T 突出煤层保护层开采保护范围数值模拟研究
Numerical Simulation Research on Mining Protection Range of Outburst Coal Seam %A 秦俊宾 %J Clean Coal and Energy %P 21-30 %@ 2334-3516 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CCE.2020.83004 %X
开采保护层是有效预防突出的技术之一。本文以磴槽煤矿为例,运用FLAC3D数值模拟软件和现场考察相结合的方式,研究确定了保护层开采后被保护层的有效保护范围,并对保护效果进行了分析。研究结果表明,22521保护层工作面开采时,对被保护层22041工作面沿走向的卸压角为60?,沿倾向的卸压角分别为69?和90?,3#、4#钻孔测试的瓦斯含量分别为4.18 m3/t、5.33 m3/t,7#和8#钻孔测试的瓦斯含量分别为5.47m3/t和4.46 m3/t,9#、10#和11#钻孔测试的瓦斯含量分别为5.53 m3/t、4.62 m3/t和4.09 m3/t,卸压保护效果显著,有效消除了被保护层22041工作面的突出危险性。
Mining protective layer is one of the effective techniques to prevent outburst. In this paper, taking Dengcao Coal Mine as an example, the combination of FLAC3D numerical simulation software and on-site inspection was used to study and determine the effective protection range of the protected layer after mining, and the protection effect was analyzed. The research results show that when the working surface of the 22521 protective layer is mined, the pressure relief angle of the 22041 working surface of the protected layer is 60?, and the inclined pressure relief angles are 69? and 90?. The gas content of the 3# and 4# drilling tests were 4.18 m3/t and 5.33 m3/t, the gas content of the 7# and 8# drilling tests were 5.47 m3/t, and 4.46 m3/t, and the gas content of the 9#, 10# and 11# drilling tests were 5.53 m3/t, 4.62 m3/t, and 4.09 m3/t, respectively. The pressure relief protection effect is significant, effectively eliminating the prominent danger of the working surface of the protected layer 22041.
%K 保护层开采,数值模拟,卸压角,保护效果
Mining of Protective Layer %K Numerical Simulation %K Pressure Relief Angle %K Protection Effect %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=37536