%0 Journal Article %T 高高原机场校验飞行性能分析——以甘孜/格萨尔机场为例
Flight Performance Analysis on High Plateau Airport Inspection—Take Ganzi Gesser Airport as an Example %A 刘朋 %A 曹悦琪 %J Journal of Security and Safety Technology %P 23-29 %@ 2330-4685 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JSST.2020.82004 %X
To ensure the safe and efficient operation of the airport, it is necessary to check its navigation facilities. Inspection flight is to check the value of airport navigation facilities during flight. Combined with the complex characteristics of high plateau airport, it is more necessary to analyze its flight performance. Taking Ganzi Gesser Airport as an example, this paper analyzes the four aspects of the EOSID, drift down procedure, takeoff performance and landing performance. It obtains the main factors of the operation restriction of the high plateau airport. It can increase the safety margin of the inspection flight of the high plateau airport. The paper can be regarded as the theoretical reference for the inspection of the high plateau airport.
%K 校验飞行,一发失效应急程序,航路飘降,起飞性能,着陆性能
Inspection Flight %K EOSID %K Enroute Drift Down %K Takeoff Performance %K Landing Performance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=36485