%0 Journal Article %T 采用环状流实现均匀分配的空调器分流器研究
Design and Research on the Distributor of Air Conditioner by Forming Annular Flow %J 制冷学报 %D 2019 %X 为解决空调器中多流路换热器内制冷剂分配不均的问题,本文设计了一种能够均匀分配两相制冷剂的新型分流器样件并进行了可视化实验。设计均匀分流器的基本思路是构建环状流并均匀分配环状流,具体设计方法是提出分流器进口管结构的计算方法实现环状流的构建,并通过设计新型进、出口管的连接结构实现环状流的均匀分配。实验表明:制冷剂的质量流量为14~22 g/s时,水平、倾斜和竖直安装的新型分流器的质量流量不均匀度比传统圆锥式分流器分别下降10%~24%、14%~27%和24%~47%。基于环状流整流的新型分流器的分配性能优于目前最常用的圆锥式分流器。
To address the wrong distribution of refrigerants in multi-path heat exchangers in air conditioners, a distributor, which is capable of evenly dividing a two-phase refrigerant, is proposed and tested using a visual experiment. The principle of the distributor design is to form an annular flow and then evenly allocate it. The detailed development method includes a calculation model for inlet tube geometries of the distributor to form an annular flow and a design method for the connection structure between the inlet and outlet tubes to uniformly distribute the annular flow. The experimental results show that when the mass flow rate is between 14 and 22 g/s, the distribution unevenness values of the novel distributor at the horizontal, sloped, and vertical installations are 10%–24%, 14%–27%, and 24%–47%, respectively, which are lower than those of the conventional cone-type distributor, indicating much better performance of the proposed distributor %K 空调器 分流器 气液两相流型 环状流
air conditioner distributor gas-fluid two-phase flow regime annular flow %U http://www.zhilengxuebao.com/zlxb/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20190422&flag=1