%0 Journal Article %T The Architect and the City ¨C Nikola Dobrovi£¿¡¯s Opus in Dubrovnik %A Ivani£¿in %A Krunoslav %J - %D 2015 %X Sa£¿etak The article contains an overview and analysis of architect Nikola Dobrovi£¿¡¯s designs for family villas and hotels in the 1930s in and around the city of Dubrovnik. His highly functionalist architecture, designed in the cubist style, makes use of modern interpretations of the characteristics of Dubrovnik¡¯s fortifications and its cultivated stone landscape. The author concludes that Nikola Dobrovi£¿¡¯s opus in Dubrovnik should not be observed exclusively as part of an international trend in modern architecture or its exotic Mediterranean offshoot, but that it should be viewed within the context of the non-conceptual and timeless architectural interest in form, construction, materiality, space, and location %K Nikola Dobrovi£¿ %K architect %K opus in Dubrovnik %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=238254