%0 Journal Article %T Residential Skyscrapers by Architect Stanko Fabris; Contribution to the Urban Morphology and Typology of Collective Housing in Podgorica %A Alihod£¿i£¿ %A Rifat %A A£¿anin %A Aleksandar %A Stamatovi£¿ Vu£¿kovi£¿ %A Slavica %J - %D 2019 %R 10.31522/p.27.1(57).9 %X Sa£¿etak So far scientifically unexplored, residential skyscrapers by architect Stanko Fabris in Podgorica, represent a part of his realisations from the early 1960s. As first skyscrapers built in this town and in Montenegro, with a series of functional, design and technical-technological innovations, they hold a special place in the urban morphology and typology of collective housing in Podgorica, as well as in Fabris¡¯s architectural body of work %K Fabris %K Stanko %K Podgorica %K Montenegro %K residential skyscraper %K 1960s %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=323583