%0 Journal Article %T METFORMIN POISONING AND METFORMIN ASSOCIATED LACTACIDOSIS %A GORNIK %A IVAN %A HAMZI£¿ %A JASMIN %A KUDRNA-PRA£¿EK %A KATJA %J - %D 2020 %X Sa£¿etak The objective of this case report is to present a patient with metformin poisoning, and to highlight treatment and potential pitfalls. A 65-year-old patient was admitted to Emergency Department (ED) with head injury. He was hypoglycemic and received IV glucose, but altered consciousness persisted. His arterial blood gas analysis showed deep acidemia with high lactate levels. After aggressive treatment, his pH improved, and after prolonged 36-hour observation in ED, lactate levels dropped to normal, he was feeling better and was discharged home. This was an unusual presentation of metformin toxicity, which is usually life threatening, therefore we try to point out how to manage and recognize patients like this one in ED %K metformin %K toxicity %K lactacidosis %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=343714