%0 Journal Article %T ANALYSIS OF POSTAL MARKET IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA %A Me£¿trovi£¿ %A Luka %A Naletina %A Dora %A Vuleti£¿ %A Ante %J - %D 2019 %R 10.31784/zvr.7.1.19 %X Sa£¿etak In Croatia, as in almost all other countries of the world, the postal services market has been going through big changes that are the consequence of the growing use of electronic communication and the fact of the postal services being substituted by it. Technological advancement also influences the changes in the behaviour of users and their expectations regarding the quality and the speed of the service provided. Almost all of the world-renown package distribution service providers whose goal is to deliver the parcels as quickly and as efficiently as possible operate in the Republic of Croatia. The goal of this paper is to analyse the state of affairs on the postal market in the Republic of Croatia. Over the last years, postal services have been increasingly substituted with electronic services, as evidenced by fewer letters being sent by the post. On the other hand, the number of the distributed parcels has been growing, due to the development of e-commerce. These trends are also present on the Croatian postal market, where buyers have become increasingly oriented towards online shopping, resulting in more packages being delivered. Based on the conducted analysis, the conclusions are drawn that, despite of the fact that the Croatian postal market has been completely liberalized, the market is still dominated by the national operator Hrvatska po£¿ta d.d. However, under the influence of the market changes, the operator expands its offer by providing additional services and not just relying on the traditional business activities %K liberalisation %K parcel consignment %K postal service %K Republic of Croatia %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=321174