%0 Journal Article %T The contribution of home composting to environmental protection %A Runko Luttenberger %A Lidija %A Vidovi£¿ %A Ivona %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak Given that composting represents a natural process of biodegradation the product of which is humus, the paper analyses the onset of composting process and highlights its numerous benefits for flora, fauna and humans. Emphasized is the role compost has in reducing the effects of global warming through improving soil structure and the amount of carbon captured in it. Basic stages are described that take place in the soil the output whereof is compost, and issues that can arise during the composting process are listed, such as odours, excessive humidity or dryness of soil, and disproportionate presence of insects. The authors advocate implementation of home composting by which separation and reduction of volumes of municipal waste are achieved as bio-waste makes more than 30% of municipal waste and also point out that home composting results in a valuable product which contributes to soil fertility %K home composting %K bio-waste %K biodegradation %K humus %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=335964