%0 Journal Article %T Recognition of the role of nature in the formation of fractal architecture %A Mirmoradi %A Seyedeh Somayeh %J - %D 2017 %R 10.1515/otmcj-2016-0020 %X Sa£¿etak After a long period of one-way consumerist attitude toward nature, there have been some alternate perspectives on the systemic relationship between humans and nature, which have been again brought up during the past few decades. Since the late twentieth century, fractal architecture has been one of the most important themes discussed in architecture and it is based on the chaos and complexity theories. Critics often criticize this architecture due to its lack of architectural values, practicality, and attention to economy, culture, and history. The current study aims to clarify the scientific theories that are the theoretical foundations of this approach in contemporary architecture. By categorizing the practical examples of this architectural approach, they are analyzed in terms of their relationship with nature using the logical reasoning method to achieve a favorable architecture. In fact, the gap between this architecture and nature¡¯s behavior is shown %K chaos theory %K fractal architecture %K form %K geometry %K nature %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=279363