%0 Journal Article %T Testing and Analysis of the Measurement Quality of the Rotating Laser System %A Barkovi£¿ %A £¿uro %A Gudelj %A Marina %A Zrinjski %A Mladen %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak The procedure of precision testing of geodetic and measuring instruments is given by the set of standards of the basic label ISO 17123. The precision of the rotating laser system ¨C the rotating laser was tested according to the full test procedure of ISO 17123-6:2012. The full test procedure defines two independents measurement sessions, each containing four series of measurements with three differently defined instrument positions. After testing the precision of the rotating laser, four statistical tests were performed, which were recommended by the specified standard. Testing the accuracy of determining the height difference was performed by comparing the reference height difference, determined by a precise geometric levelling method. Error sources that affect the results of rotating laser measurement were estimated. The standard measurement uncertainty of the Type A, the standard measurement uncertainty of the Type B, the combined standard measurement uncertainty and the expanded measurement uncertainty were shown as measurement quality parameters. Measurement data were automatically mathematically equated and statistically processed in software ISO_ROLAS. Analysis of the obtained results found that the empirical values of experimental standard deviations are less than the values stated in the technical specifications of the manufacturer and that the experimental standard deviations of the two independents measurement sessions originate from the same sample %K 2012 %K rotating laser system %K precision %K accuracy %K standard measurement uncertainty of the Type A %K standard measurement uncertainty of the Type B %K combined standard measurement uncertainty %K expanded measurement uncertainty %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=325312