%0 Journal Article %T Habsburg Monarchy in the Memoirs of Austrian Writers (Summary) %A Hlopec %A Kristina %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak In their works, writers Robert Musil, Joseph Roth and Stefan Zweig have brought back memories of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy several decades after its dissolution, during the tumultuous period between the two wars. Even though fiction, their texts are imbued with images of the past that offer us insight into the intellectuals¡¯ view of the former Monarchy. By using irony, nostalgia and their own experience, they thoroughly examined the Monarchy and shed a new light on it; in turn, their methods will be used in historiography books %K Austro-Hungarian Monarchy %K interwar period %K literature %K Robert Musil %K Joseph Roth %K Stefan Zweig %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=338103