%0 Journal Article %T Zakhar Prilepin. Sankya¡¯s overturn, revolt and game. (On revolt in Prilepin¡¯s novel Sankya) %A Vojvodi£¿ %A Jasmina %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak This article focuses on the concepts of revolt and overturn in the novel Sankya written by the contemporary Russian author Zakhar Prilepin. The young characters in the novel are rebels, but not revolutionaries. They rebel against everything ¨C power, adults, ¡°fathers¡°, authorities. Their rebellion can be analysed as a rebellion against ¡°discipline¡± (Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison) without any goal or an idea (or ideology). The rebellion grows inside the character Sasha Tishin (Sankya) himself, but it also progresses from verbal to physical conflict when a group of young people, members of a political party The Founders (Russ. Soyuz Sozidayushikh), occupy administrative locations in the city. That is the way the young rebels confirm the ¡°overturn¡± (revolution) in terms of Hannah Arendt¡¯s ¡°revolution¡± %K Prilepin %K Sankya %K overturn %K revolution %K discipline %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=334857