%0 Journal Article %T Ancient Greek Coin Finds from Risan, ancient Rhizon, from the former Center for Archaeological Research of Montenegro %A Ujes Morgan %A Dubravka %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£żetak This article presents 35 specimens of the Hellenistic coins discovered at modern Risan in Montenegro, from the Coin Collection of the former Center for Archaeological Research of Montenegro. These coins mostly match the pattern of the contents of published lots of Hellenistic coins from Risan, in which the locally minted coins predominate, followed by the coins of the major Greek cities of the region. There are two uncommon finds, which appear for the first time among the coins from Risan: a hemidrachm of Dyrrhachion and a bronze coin of Boeotia, minted during the period of Macedonian supremacy %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=344779