%0 Journal Article %T Contemporary Croatian Playwrights and their Directors %A Ljubi£¿ %A Lucija %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak In contemporary Croatian theatre it is noticeable that some of contemporary Croatian playwrights more often collaborate with particularly theatre directors and that some directors often work on new plays of particular playwrights. Mate Mati£¿i£¿ worked first with director Marin Cari£¿ and later with Bo£¿idar Violi£¿, Paolo Magelli directed three plays of Filip £¿ovagovi£¿, Nenni Delmestre worked on plays and dramatizations of Elvis Bo£¿njak, and Robert Raponja directed more plays of Boris Senker and Miro Gavran. The paper discusses those creative collaborations, researches the impulses of poetical recognition and analyses which motives in plays could have inspired the directors %K contemporary Croatian theatre %K contemporary Croatian drama %K Croatian playwrights %K Croatian theatre directors %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=321722