%0 Journal Article %T THE MOTIVE OF HOMELAND AND DEATH IN THE DRAMAS OF DU£¿AN KOVA£¿EVI£¿ %A Milivojevi£¿-Ma£¿arev %A Marina %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak The present work considers the way the play write Du£¿an Kove£¿evi£¿ treats the concepts of homeland and death in his theatrical pieces, from the first ones (Maratonci tr£¿e po£¿asni krug and Radovan III) to the latest ones (Hipnoza jedne ljubavi). The author finds that the idea of homeland in the works of Du£¿an Kova£¿evi£¿ consists in several different ideas that merge with the idea of death, such as earth (where the dead are buried), authority (which sends men to death) and homeland (protagonist¡¯s beginning and end). Encounters and mixings of these concepts offer a complex image of homeland in all the pieces of one of the most familiar Serbian comedists %K drama %K Du£¿an Kova£¿evi£¿ %K homeland %K death %K earth %K authority %K Serbia %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=321877