%0 Journal Article %T Examples of substantivization in the Dictionary of the Croatian redaction of Church Slavonic %A Vince %A Jasna %J - %D 2017 %R 10.21857/y54jofpj8m %X Sa£¿etak A discussion of substantivization in Croatian Church Slavonic is based on the corpus for the Dictionary of the Croatian redaction of Church Slavonic edited by the Old Church Slavonic institute in Zagreb. Substantivization is primarily the subject of word formation and morphology. For lexicography it is important in that it determines the shape of dictionary entries. In the dictionary mentioned above substantivized words are presented in two ways. A dictionary entry can be a noun (BEZVODNA f., BLAGO n., £¿IVOTNO n.,£¿IVOTNOE n.) or a word of some other category, eg. an adjective (VELIK§¾) or a verb (BOL¨ºTI) with the note subst. or subst. vice fungitur for substantivized adjectives and participles. In this paper the features of substantivized nouns are analyzed and the morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic factors affecting the choice of dictionary entries are discussed %K Croatian Church Slavonic %K substantivization %K dictionary entry %K grammar %K lexicography %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=311638