%0 Journal Article %T First Names in the Parish of Miholec since World War II %A Puˋkar %A Krunoslav %J - %D 2017 %X Saˋetak This paper provides research on first names in the Parish of Miholec since the Second World War. Following a brief review of the history of the parish, as well as its demographic and religious composition, the research on first names 每 which is divided in four significant periods (1947每1951, 1971每1975, 1991每1995, and 2010每2014) 每 is given. By dividing the research into such periods, we wanted to investigate the structure of the contemporary anthroponymicon in the Parish of Miholec (the amount of national, traditional Catholic names and new, non-traditional names) in the last 70 years and determine the impact of social and political changes in Croatia in the mentioned periods on the repertoire of first names in a linguistically and socially conservative environment %K first names %K anthroponomastics %K the Parish of Miholec %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=295239