%0 Journal Article %T Conceptual organization of idioms dictionaries in e-lexicography %A Filipovi£¿ Petrovi£¿ %A Ivana %A Parizoska %A Jelena %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak Monolingual dictionaries of Croatian idioms are organized alphabetically, whereas dictionaries of other European languages, including English and Russian dictionaries, may be organized conceptually and contain sections where idioms are grouped into themes. With the advent of e-lexicography, new organizational paradigms have become available, which is why conceptual organization is applied in online dictionaries. As online dictionaries are not spatially constrained, the conceptual organization of idiomatic expressions raises questions as to the criteria which should be applied when linking idioms with similar meanings and as to the number of items which should be listed under individual themes. The aim of this paper is to explore the possibilities of organizing material in the Online Dictionary of Croatian Idioms (under development), which includes conceptual organization. More specifically, we will show that the grouping may vary: idioms may be arranged more widely according to concept or more narrowly according to idiomatic meaning. In this way we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the principles of organizing idioms in online dictionaries %K dictionaries of idioms %K conceptual organization %K e-lexicography %K Croatian %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=335709