%0 Journal Article %T Sigismund of Luxembourg and the Roma at the Beginning of the 15th Century %A Kova£żev %A Neven %A Vojak %A Danijel %J - %D 2018 %X Sa£żetak In this article, the authors illustrate the history of the Roma at the beginning of the 15th century, during their migrations from the Balkan Peninsula to Central and Western Europe. During those migrations, i.e. settlement in the wider European area, the Roma usually presented themselves as pilgrims, converts from Islam or penitents. It was a period of relatively tolerant attitudes of the local population towards the Roma, who, during their journeys, obtained letters of recommendation (safe-conducts), which ensured their free passage through the area under the rule of the ruler who issued the letter. One of the rulers who granted such letters of recommendation to the Roma was Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg %K the Roma %K Sigismund of Luxembourg %K 15th century %K migrations %K letters of recommendation %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=315804