%0 Journal Article %T Toponymy of the Southeastern Area along the Neretva River %A Mili£¿ %A Ivana %A Vidovi£¿ %A Domagoj %J - %D 2018 %R 10.21857/yl4okf3rn9 %X Sa£¿etak In the paper, the authors analyze 500 toponyms found in the southeastern area along the Neretva River (called Neretvanska krajina). In the introductory part of the paper, the basic historical and geographical data are given followed by a short overview of the basic dialectological features which are reflected in place toponymy. In the main part of the paper, the place toponyms which point to the great relief differentiation are analyzed given that on a relatively small area the landscape varies from plain and littoral to mountain. Especially interesting are hydronyms Mlaka otherwise characteristic for the Kajkavian area and £¿kolj (in the analysed area, £¿kolj is a small sea island or a swamp island) %K toponymy %K anthroponymy %K Opuzen %K Slivno %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=317417