%0 Journal Article %T Historical Discourse on ¡°Black Egyptians¡± (Summary) %A Krnjeta %A Igor %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak The main aim of this paper is the examination and evaluation of the writing about the problem of ¡°black Egyptians¡± i.e. how the ancient historiography analyzed the phenomenon. In this paper, both the views that serve a basis for a scientific consensus that was reached on the presence of ¡°black Egyptians¡± in the ancient Egyptian state, and an Afro-centric perspective that started a debate on ethnicity and composition of the ancient Egyptian society are outlined. The criticism of the latter approach is also emphasized. Finally, each of these perspectives is evaluated and contextualized in terms of the period and the socio-cultural milieu %K afrocentrizam %K pan-africanism %K politicization of the ancient history %K iscourse analysis %K ¡°black Egyptians¡± %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=338079