%0 Journal Article %T Criminal Nature of Communism %A Kri£¿to %A Jure %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak In the word analysis and acts of its fathers Marxism is represented as a bundle of promises on the change of relations in society, flammable slogans, unrealistic conceptions of a human and society and brutal reckoning with the wrong classes, religious people and organized Churches or in short with all the dissidents. Central preoccupation of all communist leaders is revolution, hate and revenge with false promise to offer changed and improved living conditions. Thereby communism produces death and trouble, since it is turned to evil. It is also a system designed for extreme control of the human spirit and prescribing the way of thinking. If we take into consideration its basic philosophical assumptions outcomes of the applied communism are expected. Radical atheism and considering world as a relation of material realities as well as considering society as a predatory relation of bourgeoisie and proletariat which can be and has to be overcome only by revolution and massive destruction of opponents, inevitably produce a lot of violence or evil. Absence of God and lack of need for distinguishing good and evil gives the self-confidence to a couple of people regarding their absolute authority. In practice communism always isolated a tight group of those who decided what the best was for those who were not a part of that selected group (Party) and who endeavored to eliminate potential political opponents. As far as Catholic dogma is concerned, communism represents a wrong understanding of a man, wrong concept of the human society, wrong analysis of human relations and wrong understanding of the history. Since communism is a comprehensive system, world view, the Church officially pointed out that it could not accept it any part, it must reject it completely. Having come into power in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, communists repeated everything their role models, from Lenin to Stalin, had done before in Russia. Communism was confirmed one more time as a system with inherent predispositions for suppressing freedom and free ideas and as a suppressor of all in advance denounced segments of the society. Therefore it is understandable that Catholic Church pays special attention to the victims of that godless, antihuman and anti-civilizational system and that it wants to point out their sacrifice as witnessing for God, religion, personal ideals, communion of holy persons and as a pledge for a really better future of the world. Helping to shed light on the circumstances of their martyrdom, members of that Church in Croatian people only fulfill their debt %K communism %K ideology %K class %K crimes %K hatred %K persecution %K Church %K victims %K martyrs. %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=328547