%0 Journal Article %T Archaeological excavations of the site of Crkvina in £żuh Polje near Sali %A Ugle£żi£ż %A Ante %A £żu£żur %A Jure %J - %D 2020 %X Sa£żetak n August and September of 2018 the Department of Archaeology of the University of Zadar conducted systematic archaeological excavations of the site of Crkvina in £żuh Polje near Sali where the remains of a small dilapidated church were located. In the excavations the ground plan of the church was defined as a small single-nave rectangular structure with a deep apse on the eastern side. On the basis of the recovered finds, manner of building and comparison with a very similar church (St. Victor in Citorij) it was determined that it most probably belonged to Late Antiquity, dating broadly to the 5th/6th century %K Sali %K Tela£ż£żica %K £żuh Polje %K Early Christian church %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=344386