%0 Journal Article %T Law Seen from Perspective of the Theatre %A Lederer %A Ana %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£żetak The text analyzes the implementation of the Law on Theatres in practice and questions if it is possible for a theatre head/director to fully realize his artistic, aesthetic and program vision, given that managing a theatre depends on the cultural policy of the founder and owner who set the legal, organizational and financial framework. Since the first Law on Theatres from 1991, adopted with the aim of protecting the foundations of the national culture and its functioning as well as encouraging artistic creativity, until the currently valid one from 2006, the objective of reformation of theatrical activities in Croatia has not been reached. Up to this date no laws which refer directly to the theatre, nor any other laws that have an important impact on the life of the theatre can provide a viable framework to the artistic creativity and production. The practice has shown that numerous legal loopholes and uncertainties of the Law hamper management and organization of theatre business, which has proven itself to be ineffective and unmotivating for the quality and artistic force of creation %K Law on theatres %K cultural policy %K national theatre %K theatre production %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=321716