%0 Journal Article %T CARI£¿¡¯S JUDITAS AND MOUNTAINS A JOURNEY INTO THE HETEROGENEITY AND RITUALITY OF PUPPETRY %A Tretinjak %A Igor %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak In the 1990s Marin Cari£¿, a stage director, extended the scope of his research into puppetry. In his first two puppet theatre performances he did so by connecting puppets with one of his constant preoccupations ¨C Croatian literary heritage. In this connection, safely and largely relying on artists and designers Branko Stojakovi£¿ and Mojmir Mihatov, Cari£¿ pulled the puppet through the inheritance grid, underlining in it symbolic and metaphoric layers as well as heterogeneity and rituality of puppetry. This connection created an effective bridge between the patina of the text and contemporary approach to (puppetry) performing act, pointing at the great possibilities of heterogeneity in inscribing the signs (Judita [Judith]) and rituality in creating of stage worlds of questionable theatricality (Planine [The Mountains]) %K Marin Cari£¿ %K Branko Stojakovi£¿ %K Mojmir Mihatov %K puppetry %K literary heritage %K rituality %K procession %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=322048