%0 Journal Article %T Directory of Craftsmen and Traders in the Town and the Kri£¿evci District in 1891 %A Kolar-Dimitrijevi£¿ %A Mira %A Wagner %A Elizabeta %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak Demographic trends in Croatia, and especially economic statistics have not yet been properly researched. There is no detailed information on that subject in the Land Government directorate. This is partly due to the fact that during the half-a-century of Croatian-Hungarian settlement, the economy fell under the jurisdiction of the Hungarian ministry in Budapest. Striving to prove that the non-agrarian economy was sufficient in Croatia even after the year 1872, when guild activities were banned, ban Khuen-H¨¦derv¨¢ry ordered the creation of an Address Book that would contain a list of craftsmen and traders in the area that was under the jurisdiction of the Zagreb Chamber of Trades and Crafts. The directory, which was titled Adresar obrtnog i poslovnog svieta u Hrvatskoj (Address Book of Craft and Business in Croatia), was printed in a very small number of copies and was probably not widely used. However, its content is extremely important since it provides the list of craftsmen and traders that operated in northwest Croatia in 1891. The list also includes craftsmen and traders operating in the countryside. Using the town of Kri£¿evci as an example, the list reveals that craft was more represented than trade and that trading was done mainly by Jews and foreigners, while the local population was mostly engaged in crafts. The data in this article has been provided separately for Kri£¿evci and for other places in the Kri£¿evci district, as it was in 1890, after the new administrative division of the country done by Khuen-H¨¦derv¨¢ry in 1886. Despite the fact that the list is lacking and that it contains plenty of poorly written names, its contents allow making conclusions on internal migrations %K Kri£¿evci %K Kri£¿evci district %K the year 1891 %K craftsmen %K merchants %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=334922