%0 Journal Article %T Patrons and Patterns: The Connection between the Aragon Dynasty of Naples and the Hungarian Court of Matthias Corvinus %A Farbaky %A P¨¦ter %J - %D 2017 %R 10.31664/ripu.2017.41.02 %X Sa£¿etak Through the Angevin family, Naples and Hungary had very close relations in the 14th century. Matthias Corvinus (1458¨C1490) was thus reviving an old connection when he married Beatrice, daughter of King Ferdinand of Naples, in 1476. The Aragon dynasty¡¯ s patronage of the arts was most notable in book collecting and music, and this found a lively echo in the court of Buda, especially the Corvina Library and the musical life. It was also through the link with Naples that Matthias¡¯ library acquired Renaissance architectural treatises in the 1480s. Beatrice¡¯ s brother Giovanni d¡¯ Aragona may have been instrumental in this. Matthias appointed him Archbishop of Esztergom, the highest ecclesiastical dignity in Hungary (1484¨C1485). The other intermediary in the study of architecture was the Florentine humanist Francesco Bandini, who lived in Naples and came to the Hungarian court in 1476 in Beatrice¡¯ s retinue. He brought Filarete¡¯ s treatise from Italy for Matthias in 1488 %K patrons of art %K 15th century %K Aragon dynasty %K Naples %K Hungarian court %K Buda %K Matthias Corvinus %K Beatrice of Aragon %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=286078