%0 Journal Article %T CONCEPTUAL VARIANTS OF FORMULAIC STATEMENTS OF SANITY FROM EXAMPLES OF GLAGOLITIC LAST WILL DOCUMENTS %A £¿upkovi£¿ %A Gordana %J - %D 2017 %X Sa£¿etak The paper deals with the semantics of formulaic statements of sanity which are a conventional part of Glagolitic last will documents. These statements contrast typically complementary concepts such as the body and the mind. This contrast is expressed in utterances such as: ¡®of a small power¡¯ and ¡®of a good mind¡¯. Examples are classified with regard to conceptual metaphors of state: states are location and states are objects; these are the components of a more general event-structure metaphor. The variants of the studied formulas also demonstrate metonymic mappings grounded in the experience of the physical location of the state, so that the overlapping of the domains of body, space and feelings is also transferred to physical objects, and the concept of location/position is represented as a typical feature %K Glagolitic last will documents %K phraseology %K statements of sanity %K conceptual metaphor %K metonymy %K embodiment %K mind %K state %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=282172