%0 Journal Article %T Two Salonitan stelae as spolia in the Split section Pazdigrad %A Demicheli %A Ana %A Demicheli %A Dino %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£żetak The paper deals with two unpublished Roman stelae which have been discovered as chance finds outside the archaeological context in the town of Solin. Today they are embedded in a private property on the Split section Pazdigrad, one into a house wall and the other in the courtyard. These two tombstones can be dated from the second half of the 2nd to the end of the 3rd century. Texts of the inscriptions are complete and mention members of the local population: a girl deceased at the age of 8 and a man who lived approximately 50 years. In the first case commemorator is mother of the deceased, while in the second case commemorator is wife of the deceased. The first inscription brings a new attestation of the rare nomen Murcidius/a which has been confirmed so far on the Salonitan area only. The second one revealed a female cognomen Perpetua which hasn't been known on the inscriptions from Dalmatia. These inscriptions only slightly enrich the epigraphic corpus of the Salonitan inscriptions, but the article also thematises a fact that the process from the discovery of these inscriptions to their new purpose speaks of two different approaches of the awareness for the cultural and written heritage of the Roman Empire in this area %K epigraphy %K inscriptions %K spolia %K stelae %K Salona %K Dalmatia %K Vranjic %K onomastics %K Pazdigrad %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=330573