%0 Journal Article %T OPTIMIZATION OF THE PROCESS OF EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT OF THE PRIMARY KAOLIN EXCAVATION ON THE CURVED FACE OF THE CONDITIONED AREA %A Kamskykh %A Oleksandr %A Korobiichuk %A Valentyn %A Kovalevych %A Liudmyla %A Levytskyi %A Volodymyr %A Pidvysotskyi %A Victor %A Sobolevskyi %A Ruslan %J - %D 2020 %R 10.17794/rgn.2020.1.10 %X Sa£¿etak The influence of primary kaolin moisture on the duration of bucket unloading is proven, and the analytical dependence for the estimation of this ratio in the form of a second-degree polynomial is obtained. Three main technological schemes for different technological conditions substantiate the procedure for evaluating the productivity of the primary kaolin excavation for cases of selective development of curvilinear sections on the basis of the first proposed technological coefficient of the contact form, which takes into account the fractal nature of the section¡¯s shape, are suggested in the article. It is first proposed to include the specific time of shifting in the working cycle of backhoe type excavators. The mathematical models of the primary kaolin excavation process on the curved face of the conditioned area with a backhoe type excavator for different varieties of the mutual arrangement of the hydraulic excavator and the hauler are developed %K productivity %K efficiency management %K excavator %K fractal dimension %K mathematical model %K the process of excavation %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=340543