%0 Journal Article %T SMOKE AND VAPOR PLUME MERGENCE %A ATABI %A F. %A JAFARI SHALKOUHI %A P. %A MOATTAR %A F. %A YOUSEFI %A H. %J - %D 2017 %X Sa£żetak Observations at power plants have indicated that vapor plumes emitted from cooling towers frequently merge with smoke plumes released from stacks. Mergence of cooling tower and stack plume leads to formation of acidic compounds which have adverse effects on the en- vironment. Wind speed and direction play an important role in merging smoke and vapor plume. This paper lists some arguments to verify that studies have not sufficiently addressed stack and cooling tower plume mergence. In conclusion, the present authors hope to find more information in the future with regard to vapor and smoke plume mergence %K stack %K cooling tower %K plume mergence %K wind speed and direction %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=296784