%0 Journal Article %T PROPERTIES OF BIOMASS AND BIOMASS WASTE FUELS FOR FLUIDIZED BED CONVERSION %A B£¿senhofer %A Markus %A Winter %A Franz %J - %D 2017 %X Sa£¿etak The energetic recovery of biomass and biomass waste has a long history in Austria. The available infrastructure consists of 17 fluidized bed combustors (FBC) with a total thermal capacity of 700 MW and three fluidized bed gasifiers with a total thermal capacity of 33 MW. Eight FBC plants have circulating beds while the other three have bubbling beds. In Austria, FBCs for biomass are employed in the heat and electricity producing industry, in the pulp and paper industry, and in the sewage sludge treatment. Additionally, the heat and electricity industry employs the three fluidized bed gasifiers. The applied fuel can be related to the respected industries: the heat and power industry usually utilizes biomass in form of wood chips, whereas the pulp and paper industry utilizes biomass waste like bark, waste wood and fibrous rejects. In this work the properties of biomass and biomass waste fuels of Austrian FBCs as well as the fuel impact on pre-processing and flue gas treatment are evaluated. In this context an overview of the utilized fuels is created and fuel properties like calorific value, content of impurities, availability, etc. are compared. The influences of the employed fuel on the flue gas treatment system are discussed. Thus, an additional overview of selected flue gas treatment system configurations is given. The main focus of this work is the comparison of fuels based on biomass and biomass waste and the investigation of their benefits and limitations. In order to do this, a prior characterization of selected biomass waste fuels based on literature is necessary %K fluidized bed conversion %K biomass %K biomass waste %K fuel properties %K fuel pre-processing %K flue gas treatment %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=258568