%0 Journal Article %T DYNAMICS OF MACROCIRCULATION PROCESSES ACCOMPANYING BY THE DRY WINDS IN UKRAINE IN THE PRESENT CLIMATIC PERIOD %A EL HADRI %A YOUSSEF %A PIANOVA %A ISABELLA %A SEMENOVA %A INNA %A SLIZHE %A MARIIA %J - %D 2018 %X SaŁżetak Dry wind in modern climate is an actual problem in Ukraine because it occurs al- most every year during the vegetation period. We studied the spatial and temporal distribution of dry winds, their meteorological characteristics, dynamics of development and circulation processes leading to their formation in Ukraine. In this paper we described the features of temporal distribution of the hot dry winds over Ukraine from April to August, for the period of 1995ˇĆ2015 as well as interannual variability of dry winds. The analysis of the atmospheric circulation conditions was carried out using the classification of elementary circulation mechanisms (ECM) of the Northern Hemisphere, which was developed by Dzerdzeevsky (1968). The most repetitive of ECMs in the period of dry wind were identified, which are characterized by a formation of anticyclone periphery processes over the territory of Ukraine %K dry wind %K elementary circulation mechanisms %K atmospheric circulation %K macrocirculation processes %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=336279