%0 Journal Article %T Explicit and implicit knowledge with regard to the age of learners %A Dubravac %A Vildana %J - %D 2013 %X Sa£¿etak The present study set out to examine learners¡¯ explicit and implicit foreign language knowledge with regard to their age. Therefore, two groups of learners from Zenica and Zavidovi£¿i (Bosnia and Herze-govina) presented the pool of informants in this study: 100 learners completing eight-year long primary school and 106 learners completing four-year long secondary school. The knowledge of four target structures (indefinite article, modal verbs, noun plural and adverb placement) was measured by means of three different tests: an oral elicited imitation test, a grammaticality judgement test and a metalinguistic test. The results indicate that the level of explicit and implicit knowledge varies with regard to the age of learners %K explicit knowledge %K implicit knowledge %K language acquisition %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=188866