%0 Journal Article %T 渗流力学边界条件的数理表达——聚焦于弹性波传播问题
Mathematical Expressions on the Boundary Conditions for Permeable Mechanics—Focusing on the Elastic Propagation Issue %A 张阔 %J Advances in Porous Flow %P 7-15 %@ 2164-5663 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APF.2020.102002 %X 裂隙在数理方法层面可表达为渗流力学边界条件。对于裂隙环境下的弹性波传播,在裂隙处设置法向位移为零的渗流力学边界条件,与实际渗流现象更加符合。对这一数理表达进行求解,不仅能够生动描述弹性波穿透裂隙传播的效应,而且能够有效反映裂隙长度、位置、端点等因素对弹性波传播的共同影响。
Cracks can be expressed as boundary conditions for permeable mechanics in the mathematical method. For the elastic wave propagation in a scenario with cracks, the boundary conditions for permeable mechanics on the cracks can be set as zero normal displacement, which is more con-sistent with the actual permeable phenomenon. By solving such mathematical expressions, one cannot only vividly describe the penetrating effect of elastic wave propagation across the cracks, but also effectively reflect the joint influence of factors including the length, the location and the exist-ence of endpoints of cracks on the elastic wave propagation. %K 渗流力学,边界条件,弹性波,裂隙,穿透效应
Permeable Mechanics %K Boundary Condition %K Elastic Wave %K Crack %K Penetrating Effect %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=38011