%0 Journal Article %T 4例豫南黑猪黑色素瘤的病理学诊断分析
Pathological Diagnosis and Analysis of Four Cases of Melanoma in Yunan Black Pigs %A 王小女 %A 张晨 %A 张维真 %A 魏丽 %A 刘萌萌 %A 李秀领 %A 乔瑞敏 %J Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine %P 50-55 %@ 2169-8902 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRPVM.2020.94008 %X
In order to diagnose the skin tumor of Yunan black pigs, a cultivated breed of pigs in Henan province, 4 cases of sick individuals were diagnosed by clinical diagnosis and histopathological observation. After operation, the tumor tissue was resected and the pathological sections were made and HE staining was used to observe the tumor. The results showed that 4 cases were typical melanoma, and the main pathological features were disordered arrangement of tumor tissues. There were melanomas between the spinous cell layer of epidermis and the columnar cells at the basal layer, which were spindle shaped and elliptic in size, larger than normal cells, and contained melanin particles.
%K 黑色素瘤,豫南黑猪,临床诊断,病理学诊断
Melanoma %K Yunan Black Pigs %K Clinical Diagnosis %K Pathological Diagnosis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=38325