%0 Journal Article %T Different Geometries of Superheterodyne Amplification of Electromagnetic Beams in Waveguides Nitride-Dielectric %A Jesus Escobedo-Alatorre %A Volodymyr Grimalsky %A Svetlana Koshevaya %A Margarita Tecpoyotl-Torres %J Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications %P 159-168 %@ 1942-0749 %D 2020 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jemaa.2020.1211013 %X The superheterodyne amplification of electromagnetic waves is investigated when the resonant three-wave interaction of two electromagnetic waves with the space charge wave occurs in the waveguides nitride n-GaN, n-InN films-dielectric. The amplification of SCW waves due to the negative differential conductivity is investigated in nitride n-GaN, n-InN films at the frequencies f ¡Ü 400 GHz in the lower part of the terahertz (THz) range. The electromagnetic waves are either in the upper part of THz range or in the optical range. The superheterodyne amplification is considered in two geometries, the collinear one in which the three interacting waves travel in the same direction and the anti-collinear geometry where the second electromagnetic wave propagates in the opposite direction. The preferences and drawbacks of each geometry are pointed out. The finite width of space charge waves leads to decrease of increments of amplification. %K Superheterodyne Amplification %K Negative Differential Conductivity %K Space Charge Wave %K Nitride Films %K Terahertz Range %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=105785