%0 Journal Article %T Using MAN and Coastal AERONET Measurements to Assess the Suitability of MODIS C6.1 Aerosol Optical Depth for Monitoring Changes from Increased Arctic Shipping %A Nicole M£¿lders %A Mariel Friberg %J Open Journal of Air Pollution %P 77-104 %@ 2169-2661 %D 2020 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojap.2020.94006 %X Collocated data of the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MO-DIS) Collection 6.1 aerosol optical depths (AOD) at 3 km ¡Á 3 km north of 59.9¡ãN over ocean were assessed at 550 nm by aerosol robotic network (AERONET) data from coastal sites and marine aerosol network (MAN) data from vessels during June to October 2006 to 2018. Typically, MODIS AOD was higher at low and lower at high values than the AERONET AOD. Discrepancies were largest for sites where the Earth¡¯s surface around the site is very heterogeneous (Canadian Archipelago, coast of Greenland). Due to the higher likelihood for sea-ice, MAN and MODIS AOD differed stronger west of Greenland and over the Beaufort Sea than at location in the Greenland and Norwegian Seas and Atlantic. MODIS AOD well captured the inter-seasonal variability found in the AERONET AOD data (R = 0.933). At all sites, MO-DIS and AERONET AOD agreement improved as time progressed in the shipping season, hinting at errors in sea-ice vs. open water classification. Overall 75.3% of the MODIS AOD data fell within the limits of the error envelops of the AERONET/MAN AOD data with MAN ranging between 87.5% and 100%. Changes in both MODIS and AERONET mean AOD between two periods of same length (2006-2011, 2013-2018) were explainable by changes in emissions for all sites. %K Aerosol Optical Depth over the Arctic Ocean %K MODIS Evaluation by AERONET and MAN Data %K Changes in Arctic Aerosol Optical Depth over the Ocean North of 59.9& %K deg %K N %K Arctic Shipping Season Aerosol Optical Depths %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=105800