%0 Journal Article %T 水环境中微塑料的研究现状
Research Status of Microplastics in the Water Environment %A 贾明杰 %A 邢美燕 %J Water pollution and treatment %P 20-28 %@ 2332-8029 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WPT.2021.91003 %X
In recent years, as a new type of pollutant, microplastics have become a hot issue of concern to governments and the public. Due to its small size and large specific surface area, MPs are likely to become carriers of various toxins, which in turn threaten human health through the food chain. From the sources of microplastics, the ecological effects caused by the enrichment of micro-plastics in microorganisms, animals and plants, and the combined toxicity effects caused by the enrichment of micro-plastics in multiple pollutants, the harm of microplastics to the water environment system is introduced. The current research progress of microplastics in water environment is reviewed, including marine environment, freshwater environment and sewage treatment plants. Furthermore, the problems that need to be solved in the field of microplastics are put forward so as to accurately assess the environmental risks of microplastics.
%K 微塑料,水环境,毒理效应,生态效应
Microplastics %K Water Environment %K Toxicological Effect %K Ecological Effect %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=39697