%0 Journal Article %T 多孔碳渗流不同介质的模拟研究
Simulation Study of Porous Carbon Infiltration in Different Media %A 巩剑南 %A 王启立 %A 高晓峰 %A 张锋涛 %J Advances in Porous Flow %P 17-25 %@ 2164-5663 %D 2020 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APF.2020.103003 %X 多孔碳性能优越而被广泛使用,但其孔隙结构会使大量气孔存在而导致体积密度下降,强度降低等性能缺陷,这些缺陷大大的影响多孔碳的性能和应用。本文通过研究多孔碳渗流不同介质来提高其性能,以多孔碳为材料,利用CT扫描和三维重构技术建立多孔碳物理模型,再用CFD对多孔碳渗流H2O和CO2分别进行模拟,分析结果得出气体比液体渗流速度快并且所需要的启动压力和稳定压力也不同。渗流介质对多孔碳性能的提高有重要的影响。
Porous carbon has excellent properties and is widely used, but its pore structure will cause a large number of pores to exist, resulting in a decrease in bulk density and strength. These defects greatly affect the performance and application of porous carbon. This paper uses porous carbon as the ma-terial to improve its performance by studying different media of porous carbon infiltration, using CT scanning and three-dimensional reconstruction technology to establish a physical model of porous carbon, and then using CFD to simulate the porous carbon infiltration H2O and CO2 respectively. The analysis results showed that the outgoing gas has a faster percolation rate than the liquid, and the required pressure for starting and the stable stage are different. The seepage medium has an im-portant influence on the improvement of the performance of porous carbon. %K 多孔碳,三维重构,渗流模拟
Porous Carbon %K Three-Dimensional Reconstruction %K Seepage Simulation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=39570