%0 Journal Article %T THE EFFECT OF PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF SOYBEAN MEAL WITH SUNFLOWER MEAL IN RATIONS OF LAMBS IN ORGANIC BREEDING ON THEIR PRODUCTION AND EXTERIOR CHARACTERISTICS %A Antunovi£ż %A Zvonko %A Klir %A £żeljka %A Novoselec %A Josip %A Ronta %A Mario %A S£żaja %A Vinko %J - %D 2015 %X Sa£żetak The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of partial replacement of soybean meal with sunflower meal in rations of lambs in organic breeding on their production and exterior characteristics. The research was conducted on the ecological family farm in Osijek-Baranya County on 20 Merinolandschaf breed lambs age a 90 days. The lambs were fed on a feed mixture in which, in the experimental group, soybean meal was partially reduced and sunflower meal (13%) was included instead. Lambs consumed hay and water ad libitum. The experiment continued for 30 days. Keeping and feeding of lambs was in accordance with the Regulation on organic production of animal products. Lambs were weighed, their body measurements and index of body condition were taken at the beginning and at the end of the research. By the analysis of production and exterior characteristics of lambs no significant differences were found in body mass and daily gain, as well as in body measurements and indices of body development in nutrition when soybean meal was partially replaced with sunflower meal. Based on the results it can be concluded that partial replacement of soybean meal with sunflower meal in feeding lambs after weaning in organic breeding is justified. It is necessary to expand research on the determination of blood metabolic profile and lamb meat quality %K soybean meal %K sunflower meal %K lambs %K organic breeding %K production traits %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=255352