%0 Journal Article %T TERRORISM AS FORM OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP %A Kr£¿elj-£¿olovi£¿ %A Zorica %A Mazi£¿ %A Snje£¿ana %J - %D 2017 %X Sa£¿etak Terrorism is linked with some form of social entrepreneurship. In order to ensure the survival of terrorist organisations, terrorist must acquire entrepreneurial and managerial skills and take over some business strategies. The view of terrorists as entrepreneurs is not new. Unlike traditional entrepreneurs, leaders of terrorist organisations are not motivated by profits. They are motivated primarily by social returns and have to operate with diferent stakeholders, the government, the army, non-governmental organisations, and even other criminal organisations, because only through funding can they gain and maintain the support of the community for which they fight. The leaders of terrorist organisations using their entrepreneurial and manegerial skills they use propaganda to attract human and financial capital. The collected funds are used to finance its actions that represent actions for the public good to the communities they represent. This paper presents a view on linking terrorist organisations with social entrepreneurship %K social entrepreneurship %K terrorism %K terrorist organisations %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=276196