%0 Journal Article %T APPLICATION OF BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY IN MARITIME LOGISTICS %A Wagner %A Natalia %A WiŁżnicki %A Bogusz %J - %D 2019 %X SaŁżetak Blockchain technology is mainly implemented in the financial services. However, there are more and more companies from different industries considering the possibility of using this technology. Potential benefits of blockchain are also recognized in logistics management. In sea shipping similar to other transport modes the application of blockchain-based solutions is still a new phenomenon. The paper presents a growing interest in blockchain technology in the area of transport and logistics and in maritime logistics in particular. The main aim of the paper is to classify current and planned applications of blockchain technology in sea shipping. To achieve this goal, two research methods were used: web content analysis and multi-case study. The results show that there are several container shipowners active in the blockchain projects, however, in terms of tonnage, they represent as much as 84% of the world's container fleet. Four main ways of developing blockchain technology in the field of maritime logistics management are distinguished: shipownerĄŻs projects, ICT providersĄŻ projects, supply chain operatorsĄŻ projects, dedicated consortia projects. The main fields within which blockchain technology is currently tested or already implemented are identified as: contracting and documentation flow (e.g. Bill of Lading), smart contracts, container/cargo track-and-trace, marine insurance, ship register system, bunker tracking system, crew certification system. The results of the paper have some managerial implications. They can help in making strategic decisions by sea shipping companies and maritime logistics operators to decide if it is worth to engage in such projects and choose the best option for themselves %K Blockchain %K sea shipping %K maritime logistics %K maritime supply chain management %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=332651