%0 Journal Article %T Children¡¯s Rights in Family Mediation %A £¿ulo Margaleti£¿ %A Anica %J - %D 2017 %X Sa£¿etak The aim of the paper is to analyze the legal position of the child in the process of family mediation. Therefore, the general features of the peaceful resolution of family law disputes are presented as well as an overview of the present regulations in Croatian legislation, bearing in mind that the Family Law Act of 2015 has introduced institutes of obligatory counseling and family mediation. Therefore, relevant international documents on children¡¯s rights that should be guaranteed in the proceedings affecting the child are analyzed, focusing on the procedures of peaceful resolution of conflicts. Thus, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, recommendations and guidelines adopted by the Council of Europe and others which, among other things, place special emphasis on the importance of respecting and exercising the participatory rights of the child. In conclusion, the paper summarizes the values as well as the risks of the child¡¯s participation in the process of family mediation %K children's rights %K family mediation %K participation of children %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=282491