%0 Journal Article %T STRATEGIC NETWORKING: THE CASE STUDY IN DUBROVNIK HOTEL INDUSTRY %A Kr£¿elj-£¿olovi£¿ %A Zorica %A Radi£¿ %A Franica %J - %D 2020 %X Sa£¿etak Hotel industry is considered one of the most important area in the economy because of its impact on the development of tourism. One of the development strategy is strategic networking. The most common reasons for strategic networking in hotel industry are financial, motivation to acquire and exchange knowledge and technology, competitive position and farmers motives. Forms of strategic networking are clusters, strategic partnerships, strategic alliances, cooperatives and associations. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the hotel enterprises in Dubrovnik using a strategy of networking either vertically or horizontally. The aim is to examine which forms of networking hotel companies use as a development strategy in the area of Dubrovnik and which form of networks is most represented. Research results have shown that the most commonly used forms of strategic networks in hotel enterprises in Dubrovnik cooperatives and associations %K forms of strategic networking %K hotel industry %K case of Dubrovnik %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=343873