%0 Journal Article %T Applying forensic skills to determine the ecological status or biotic index of lake Mavrovo %A Arminoski %A Vasil %A Latifi %A Latif %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak Pollution of waters in current conditions presents serious environmental problem, not only in Republic of North Macedonia, but also in global frames, especially in conditions of limited approach to natural resourses. Water has significant part in creating healthy human environment. Republic of North Macedonia has average water wealth, and the spatial and temporal distribution is of vital importance and it is closely related to the annual and spatial distribution of precipitation. Therefore, surface waters represent enormous potential for the Republic of North Macedonia, however due to the lack of water in the Republic of North Macedonia, there are also several artificial water accumulations that are built on surface watercourses in order to meet various needs (irrigation, energy, water supply, etc.). Because of the numbers of penalties, crimes and misdemeanors of water pollution the legislator has to incriminate the behaviors that pollute the drinking water, water for livestock and irrigation etc. Environment forensic is significant element for detecting causers of polluted water, and the same presents the subject of interest for this scientific work. However, the author¡¯s performed forensic water expertise on Lake Mavrovo and thereby gave reference of the actual state of polluted water. These examinations were realized in order to prevent and suppress this phenomenon leading to the pollution of water in this region, positive practice which could be applied to the waters in other regions, as well. Examinations which were realized in order to define environment status of the lake, through determining biotic index and physicochemical parameters of water and, also expertise in the area of water pollution were performed %K surface waters %K pollution %K expertise %K biotic index %K ecological status %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=345452