%0 Journal Article %T Olive oil tourism: state of the art %A Camp車n-Cerro %A Ana Mar赤a %A Di-Clemente %A Elide %A Folgado-Fern芍ndez %A Jos谷 Antonio %A Hern芍ndez-Mogoll車n %A Jos谷 Manuel %J - %D 2019 %R 10.20867/thm.25.1.5 %X Saˋetak Purpose 每 Oleotourism has recently caught the attention of researchers in the field of tourism marketing and management. Contributions on this subject begin to outline a significant research body that can be properly identified and organised through a detailed literature review in order to figure out state of the art of the subject and the future research lines. Design 每 After a thorough literature search, the documents obtained have been categorised according to the study perspective adopted: the demand, the supply and the potential for tourism development. Methodology 每 Online search and content analysis have been the methodology adopted for this work. The literature review has been developed using the databases of WOS and Scopus as a main reference. The research has been carried out firstly using a search process by keywords and secondly a cross-reference check with the bibliographies of the articles obtained. Approach 每 The study opts for a descriptive and analytical approach. Findings 每 An incipient, but significant theoretical body has been identified about the oleotourism that defines a new research line. Oleotourism resulted to be a qualifying tourism practice which should be further developed from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Originality of the research 每 This work is one of the first attempts to organise the literature on olive-oil tourism, identify the aspects of this tourism practice that are awakening greater interest among the scientific community, and outline new paths to be followed in the future %K Oleotourism %K food tourism %K sustainable tourism %K literature review %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=319214