%0 Journal Article %T A Bibliography of the Tehni£¿ka enciklopedija (1963£¿97) %A Klobu£¿ar Srbi£¿ %A Iva %A Smol£¿i£¿ %A Ivan %A Tolj %A Jasmina %J - %D 2018 %X Sa£¿etak The bibliography encompasses all articles published in the 13-volume Tehni£¿ka enciklopedija (Encyclopaedia of Technology) of the Miroslav Krle£¿a Institute of Lexicography in the 1963¨C1997 period. Apart from a list of articles, the bibliography also contains an index of personal names and an index of fields of science %K Tehni£¿ka enciklopedija (Encyclopaedia of Technology) %K bibliography %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=321218