%0 Journal Article %T Difficulties of Contemporary Liberalism %A Kova£żevi£ż %A Bo£żo %J - %D 2015 %X Sa£żetak The ideology of liberalism is marked by contradictions. Slavery has been imposed to some in the name of liberty for others. The relationship of liberalism toward the state is determined by the contradiction between negative and positive liberty. Welfare state was developed in the West in the latter half of the 20th century and based on the concept of positive liberty, but it has since been replaced by neoliberalism based on the concept of negative liberty. The result was the exacerbation of the economic gap between the wealthy and the poor. On the international level, liberalism promised a world with no wars and arranged according to reason. Following the end of the Cold War and the realization of the preconditions for the fulfillment of liberal promises, the rich countries of the West decided to impose the neoliberal model of society and economy on the rest of the world. Instead of a win-win situation, the world is faced with conflicts and crises. Liberalism can survive as a credible ideology only if all of its components are implemented both on the domestic and international levels %K classical liberalism %K social liberalism %K neoliberalism %K liberalism of imposition %K liberalism of restraint %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=245211