%0 Journal Article %T SACRAL ART AND INFINITE %A £¿ulji£¿ %A Anton %J - %D 2018 %X Sa£¿etak Sacral art makes the Sacred present. Sacral art makes the Sacred visible, moreover explains it, interprets it, and presages it. Sacral art does not exist without its essential content - faith. Christian faith is faith in one, holy, eternal and almighty God who is the Creator. The Creator has neither the beginning nor the end - he is one with our idea of Infinite. Infinity is, however, a philosophical term and has no equivalence in the Bible. The experiences associated with it are nontheless clearly described in the Scriptures and in the theological tradition: the experience of God is closely related to the awareness that there are limits to our thinking and our world. In the Judeo-Christian religious tradition, and then likewise in fine arts, the Infinite is often referred to as £¿Eternal¡°. Although the etymology of the Croatian word £¿eternity¡° (£¿vje£¿nost¡°) refers to £¿age¡° (£¿vijek¡°), and £¿age¡° is a limited period, £¿eternity¡° as a typical religious concept has become the expression of the Infinite %K Art %K Theology of the Image %K Infinite. %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=310101